Linggo, Hunyo 3, 2012

Sheer enjoyment!

I totally enjoyed what I did! That rodent who is eating my cereal in quite some time now, finally caught using my trap! Yesterday: I bought this fly trap which is very sticky! I saw the mother fucker struggling to break free to that sticky substance. Oh joy! The sweet revenge! I'm once a nursing student so I have those injection kit and guess what. I injected different kinds of liquid substance to its body. I had a good laugh honestly. That's what you get when you mess up the wrong guy. Too bad that it died so fast. Next time I caught another rat, I'll do it less painful. :)

The urge is rising, the craving for something exciting is unbearable.

Every night and everyday, I'm always having this crave. A calculated plan, a swift and perfect scenario in my head.
A silent but a sure ecstasy of adrenaline and heavenly silent scream.
A soul that is almost out of her body.
A years that will totally succumb to its final destination.
I know that this is a total disaster that's unnatural, yet still natural for those lowly beings that can't understand what excitement really is.

I walk everyday, looking at those eyes. Those eyes that are begging to me. Begging to be understood.

I haven't done anything right now.

but I am definitely thinking about it.

For how long do I need to suppress this? I'm clinging to a vine that is already stressed and almost at it's verge of snapping. I need a constant stimulation.

Before I can experience the total pleasure that my life can offer.